If you’re often the first of your friends to commence the sad, sorry slew of WhatsApp cancellations, and your memberships (plural) sit like a leaden weight on your Direct Debit list, you might be low in magnesium, not strength of will. Yes, the same mineral that can soften your mood for rest might also help you leap out of bed in the morning.
Hormones, life, and expectations are energy thieves. They’re hounds at the door of our precious time, leaving us a little short and less likely to find that spark that makes us want to ‘play’, go again, mess about and move our bodies, which is a dreadful shame because moving makes us feel so much better.
Magnesium is most commonly talked about for the softer, calming and relaxing functions it performs in the body. The rested bits. Yet, there are definitely more reasons to take magnesium than simply getting a good kip or not losing your sh*t. We keep saying magnesium is a multi-tasker, and that’s because this mineral is used by lots of different systems in the body. Here’s what we mean: magnesium relaxes your nervous system (tick), and supports the systems in your brain and body that manage stress (tick). Magnesium also regulates your energy, which is the ready in Ready & Rested. It helps to support the systems that produce the energy in your body that makes you feel ready to go again.
For those that like to really know a thing, here’s the detail: at the cellular level, magnesium helps to produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the body’s energy molecule (think of it as the petrol, apologies to the scientists for the shabby analogy). What magnesium specifically does, if you’re super keen, is bind to ATP, stabilising it and enabling it to be used effectively in energy transfer processes throughout the body.
We know magnesium helps regulate energy because it has been seen to improve the lives of people who suffer from more severe issues with low energy, like chronic fatigue, who registered improvements in energy levels and their general emotional well-being. Equally, in a study investigating daytime sleepiness in older populations, low magnesium was considered to be a contributing factor.
Our founder, Mel, was surprised to find that when she reached for magnesium to help with sleep, it was actually the thing that helped her keep moving. She had reached a point where a mix of shifting hormones, the sheer energy required to keep showing up for her social and family life, and the ceaseless work of being both a founder and a mum had been depleting her magnesium levels without her realising. We’ve already explained the cycle of low magnesium that spirals us into deeper deficiency. Busy lives and not eating enough foods rich in magnesium mean that most of us are low in magnesium and caught in a cycle, particularly when we get stressed. Stress uses up even more magnesium when we’re overwhelmed.
Magnesium worked for Mel. The proof is in her keeping active and exercising 9 times a week (we know), she found that by combining magnesium into her supplement support with 4 Life & Soul Daily capsules (omega-3), three sprays of Beam & Balance (vitamin D), she was keeping consistent, finding the energy to move as often as she wanted and no aches and pains from stiff hips or sore knees. She will hate this, but if there was ever a case for sharing the reason to do a thing, it’s a founder staking their livelihood on making something that helped them to live their life. So here it is. If you want to feel Ready & Rested to go again, we genuinely recommend you try it.