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Quality, purity & efficacy in everything we make for you.

Product FAQs

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    Life & Soul Liquid

    How long will a bottle last?

    How much omega-3, EPA and DHA will I get in each dose?

    Why doesn't it come with a spoon?

    I've just found out I'm pregnant - is it safe to finish my bottle of Life & Soul or should I switch to Mums & Bumps?

    Can my children take Life & Soul?

    Why is Life & Soul Liquid so expensive?

    What does clinical strength mean?

    I can't decide which to choose, Life & Soul Liquid or Life & Soul Capsules. Which is better?

    Can my children take Life & soul?

    Can I take Life & Soul if I'm pregnant or should I switch to Mums & Bumps?

    Life & Soul Mini Capsules

    How many do I get?

    How much omega-3, EPA and DHA will I be getting in 4 capsules?

    Do I have to take them 4 times a day?

    My child doesn't like taking the liquid - can they take Mini capsules?

    How big are the capsules?

    What's the difference between Mini and Daily Capsules?

    Life & Soul Daily Capsules

    How many do I get?

    How much omega-3, EPA and DHA will I be getting?

    How big are the capsules?

    Action Heroes

    How long will a bottle last?

    How much omega-3, DHA and EPA is in each drop?

    How do I measure out 1ml?

    How do I keep the syringes clean?

    Do I have to use the syringe?

    What age is Action Heroes good for?

    Why is DHA omega-3 so crucial for kids?

    Why do you recommend 500mg DHA for children?

    Mums & Bumps Capsules

    How many do I get?

    How much omega-3 will I be getting?

    Why are Mums & Bumps mostly DHA rather than EPA?

    I've heard pregnant women shouldn't take cod liver oil – can they take fish oil?

    Can I take these before and after pregnancy?

    How big are your Mums & Bumps capsules?

    Mindful Capsules

    How many do I get?

    How much omega-3 will I be getting?

    Why is Mindful mostly DHA and not EPA?

    I usually take Life & Soul, should I switch to Mindful?

    How big are the capsules?

    Vim & Vigour Vegan Omega-3 Capsules

    Why did you launch a plant based omega-3?

    What type of algae do you use?

    Is algae safe?

    Is Vim & Vigour safe for children?

    Is Vim & Vigour safe to take during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

    What is the capsule coating made from?

    Why are the capsules red?

    What is astaxanthin?

    What are the benefits of Astaxanthin?

    How many calories in one dose?

    Does this product contain iodine?

    How big are the capsules?

    Rise & Shine Omega-3 + Vitamin D3

    Why is it good to have omega-3 and Vitamin D3 together?

    What type of Vitamin D3 do you use?

    Is Rise & Shine suitable for pescatarians?

    How much do I need to take?

    How much Vitamin D3 is in one dose?

    How long does it take to feel the benefits?

    What is the carrier oil?

    Is the omega-3 oil the same as Life & Soul?

    Why is Rise & Shine more expensive than Life & Soul?

    Can I take Life & Soul and Rise & Shine together?

    What are the ingredients in Rise & Shine?

    Why doesn't Rise & Shine contain K2?

    How big are the capsules?

    About our oil

    What is the shelf life?

    How long will it keep once I've opened it?

    Do your oils need to be refrigerated?

    How can I be sure your oils are completely free from heavy metals and toxins?

    Doe your oil smell or taste fishy and do the capsules repeat on you?

    Is your fish oil the same as cod liver oil?

    What fish does your oil come from?

    Why do you use small fish?

    Are the fish sustainably caught?

    How soon after the fish are caught do you extract the oil?

    How is the oil extracted?

    Do you use hexane or any other chemicals in the extraction process?

    How do you purify your fish oil?

    Is the oil cold pressed?

    What is the oxidation level in the oil?

    Is the oil in its natural form or is it concentrated?

    What is your Sicilian lemon oil made from?

    Can I take more than the recommended dosage on the packaging?

    Where are your fish oils and capsules made?

    When is the best time to take fish oil?

    Where should I keep my fish oil?

    How do I measure out a dose of liquid?

    I've heard that fish oils can repeat on you and cause reflux

    Is it essential to take with food?

    Where is your oil extracted and where is it tested?

    Do you use nitrogen flushing?

    What kind of nets are used by your fishing boats?

    How do I know that your fish oil is environmentally friendly?

    Does omega-3 decrease over time once a fish oil is open?

    What is the maximum temperature your oil can be exposed to?

    Why are the TG and FFA levels different?

    Are your oils tested for glycidol?

    What are the other omega-3s in your fish oil?


    What ingredients are there besides fish oil?

    Are your capsules made from fish gelatin?

    Are your capsules tested for purity?

    Do your fish oils contain any artificial colours or sweeteners?

    Why don't you add flavour to your capsules?

    Do your products contain DPA?

    Do your omega-3 products contain Vitamin D?

    Does your fish oil contain purines?

    Does your fish oil contain iodine?

    Allergies, medicine interactions and possible side effects

    Allergen info & Statement

    Can I take your fish oil if I have a shellfish allergy?

    What if I'm allergic to fish or citrus?

    Where does the vitamin E (tocopherol) come from?

    Are there any side effects?

    What can I do to help with the digestion if I struggle with fats?Frequently asked question

    Can I take your products if I'm on medication?

    Is it safe to take your fish oils if I regularly take aspirin?

    What ingredients are in the glycerol BP?

    Omega-3 in general

    Is krill oil a good source of omega-3?

    Can I just eat some fish instead of taking a supplement?

    Do EPA and DHA compete in the body for absorption?

    I'm confused about the difference between omega-3 and omega-6?

    Is it ok to take supplements along with Evening Primrose Oil?

    What is the difference between EPA and DHA and what do they help with?

    Why is omega so crucial for kids?

    Beam & Balance | Peppermint

    How much do I need to take?

    What type of vitamin D3 do you use in Beam & Balance?

    Should I take Beam & Balance with Life & Soul, or Rise & Shine?

    Can I take it if I'm pregnant?

    Can children take it?

    Is it vegan friendly?

    Does it contain any allergens?

    Beam & Balance | Unflavoured

    How much should I take?

    Can children take it?

    Can I take this if I'm pregnant

    What's the difference between your Beam & Balance products?

    How long will my bottle last?

    How do I take my spray?

    Is it vegan-friendly?

    Does it contain any allergens?

    Vitamins D3 & K2 - General & Safety

    Who should take Vitamin D3?

    Can I take too much Vitamin D?

    What is the difference between IU and micrograms?

    How do I know if I'm deficient in D3?

    What is K2 and why is it included in your Vitamin D sprays?

    What is the difference between D3 and D2?

    What are the benefits of Vitamin D?

    Skinful Pure Marine Collagen

    What is Skinful?

    Does your collagen contain any colours or sweeteners?

    What are the benefits of collagen?

    How often should I take it?

    How long will a tub last me?

    Where should I keep my tub of Skinful?

    Can I take collagen with omega-3?

    How long will it take to feel/see the benefits?

    Is it gluten free?

    Can you add collagen to hot food and drinks?

    What is the difference between marine and bovine collagen?

    Are the fish sustainably caught?

    Can I take Skinful if I'm pregnant or breastfeeding?

    Strawberry Skinful Marine Collagen + Vitamin C

    Where is the Vitamin C from?

    Does it contain any artificial flavours?

    How much Vitamin C is there in one serving?

    What are ingredients are in the strawberry flavouring?

    About Our Marine Collagen

    How many calories is in one serving?

    What is the powder made from?

    Is Skinful type I, II or III peptides?

    What's an amino acid profile and why is it important?

    What's the protein content?

    Is maltodextrin used in the drying process of your collagen?

    Does your collagen contain iodine?

    What if I'm allergic to fish?

    Can I take your collagen if I have a shellfish allergy?

    Are there any side effects?

    Is your collagen suitable for those with histamine issues/mast cell disorder?

    Our Packaging

    Why is the pouch the same price as the glass jar?

    Can I recycle your packaging?

    How do I dispose of your pouches?

    What are your pouches made from?

    Will the pouch keep my capsules as fresh as the glass bottle?

    Ready & Rested

    How much do I need to take?

    What is Ready & Rested good for?

    When should I take it?

    Do I have to take it with food?

    Do I have to take all 3 capsules?

    Can children take it?

    Can I take it if I am trying to conceive?

    Can I take it if I'm pregnant?

    Is it ok to take during breastfeeding?

    Does Ready & Rested break my fast?

    Is it suitable for my diet?

    Can I take too much?

    About Our Magnesium

    What type of magnesium do you use?

    Why does it contain magnesium oxide?

    What is the difference between Magnesium Bisglycinate and other types of magnesium?

    What's HPMC?

    What's Chelate?

    What is MCT oil?

    Test Kits

    Is this a one-time kit?

    Can children use this test?

    How do I take my test?

    Why do I need to activate my test and how do I do this?

    How do I take the blood sample correctly?

    How do I know your test kit is accurate?

    How long do my results take to arrive?

    What will my test results look like?

    Why haven't my results arrived?