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bare biology health better in 30 how to get organised and stay organised by vicky silverthorn

How to get organised and stay organised

| FEB 3, 2017

In the 50’s there were no such thing as public storage facilities.  People lived with much less than we do and I imagine they appreciated their belongings far more too.  Now there’s at least one in every town.

In the last seven years since starting my business there’s been a dramatic rise in bookings, often up to eight weeks in advance. 

People are beginning to realize the strong connection between too much clutter and too much choice, and how they affect our wellbeing.

I believe (hope) that with mindfulness becoming a key part of many of our daily lives, people are beginning to realize the strong connection between too much clutter and too much choice, and how they affect our wellbeing and state of mind.

A professor at Princeton University conducted studies proving that clutter around us can negatively effect our wellbeing.  So there it is – the proof we all need to commit to making lasting changes.

My top tips

Easier said than done, I know. Here’s a summary of some of things you can do to get organised and stay organised in 2017.

bare biology health better in 30 how to get organised and stay organised by vicky silverthorn

1. Take a bite-size approach 

Remember to stop thinking of a giant task and realize how manageable it is to chip away at your home and create more calm and space – every day makes a difference, even if it isn’t dramatic at first. I recommend thinking of each room individually. Then break that up and think of each space. For example, you might like to just start with your bedroom. This can be overwhelming if you consider everything that’s in there. But try and take a bite-sized approach to each section. You might even want to divvy it up by each week day. Monday evening you’ll organise your bed side table, Wednesday afternoon you’ll declutter your side cabinet and Saturday you’ll tackle your wardrobe. You can revisit my previous articles for a more detailed approach here.

2. Practice visualisations

As soon as you make the decision that this is what you want to do, it will become easier and easier to let go of ‘stuff’ and you’ll gradually place less and less emphasis on the importance of inanimate objects in your life – the ones that don’t mean anything.  So before making a start, it’s worth meditating on the idea of organising your home so that you feel mentally prepared to let go. This might involve you observing a particular space in your home for 60 seconds everyday. Visualisations can be a powerful motivator too. Imagine the space you’re looking at exactly how you’d like it to look. You’ll be surprised at how open you’ll be to making a start.

bare biology health better in 30 how to get organised and stay organised by vicky silverthorn

3. Be a mindful shopper 

Be mindful when you shop and be mindful of what is entering your home.  Decluttering isn’t an excuse to buy more, it’s about being happier by living with less. While you’re browsing, ask yourself: do I really need this? What value will this bring into my life? Where will this sit in my home? If you’re not sure, leave the item. I guarantee you, if it’s important enough you’ll be back the next day to buy it. 

4. Gift an experience not an item

Sometimes the clutter we accumulate isn’t our fault. Often gifts can be difficult to manage (after all you can’t possibly be seen to throw out something someone you love gave you). While you can’t control what people gift you, you can control what you gift others. Lead by example. Be conscious when buying presents – the gift of clutter is not a good one. Consider giving people an experience instead.

If you’d like to know more about how to declutter your home and, ultimately, your life, you can read more in my book ‘Start with your sock drawer’ which offers an easy to follow, room by room guide.

Doing the #betterin30 challenge? Use the hashtag to tell us how you’re getting on, and you could win a personal session with one of our experts!


Vicky Silverthorn is your Better in 30 Professional Organiser.  Vicky will declutter your home and your mind so you can stick to your New Year’s resolutions.  Vicky is the author of ‘Start with your Sock Drawer’ and Founder of You Need a Vicky, a professional organisation company.  She’s helped to streamline the homes of A-list clients from Suki Waterhouse, Ayda and Robbie Williams to Jamie Dornan and Jonathan Ross.  Now she’s here to help you.

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