For anyone who can't remember the last time they had 7 seconds to breathe, let alone consider whether it's coming from their belly, for those juggling the emotional soup of caring for ageing family members while diarising to infinity the commitments of the school PTA calendar. Parents with exam teens and sensitive souls at home who find this modern world a little too much for their nervous system, and anyone attempting to cope with seismically shifting hormones and their twin, 'devastating anxiety.'
Stress is mad. But magnesium for stress helps.
Tell me why in less than 3 seconds, you say.
Research definitively shows that stress can lead to magnesium loss, and low magnesium levels can make the body more sensitive to stress. In other words, stress eats magnesium for breakfast, and you’re probably not getting enough from food to support you, which might be making you that little bit extra e-d-g-i-e-r than normal. COOL.
For those with more than 3 seconds to spare (ha): processed diets and a pro-stress lifestyle mean we're probably not getting enough magnesium from our food, and having hectic lives has been seen to lower magnesium levels. In studies examining the effects of stress, individuals with low magnesium levels were found to be more stressed. The reverse is also true: people with depression showed low magnesium levels, and people with anxiety also showed low magnesium levels. For example, they found that higher amounts of magnesium had been excreted when they took samples of students' urine after an exam. Yes, unblinking mum who is currently fending off the projected stress from their teen prepping for their exams this summer.
If you thought that magnesium was just about sleep, you might be interested to learn that the most wonderful thing about magnesium and the form magnesium bisglycinate, is that it supports the systems in the body that manage stress. This factor is the primary motivation behind our founder, Mel, taking her time to launch the right magnesium for stress formula for Ready & Rested.
Here’s how it helped her:
"I take it to keep me calm when I'm under stress. One thing I learned the other day is when we're under stress and trying to focus on solving a problem, our adrenals kick in, so we feel agitated, and that happens a lot to me. I can get really agitated, specifically with my children, for example. I can get a bit of mum rage. And I feel like I’m a lot calmer for taking magnesium".
Nobody ever solved stress with a supplement. Ready & Rested won't resolve the stress in your life. But if lately, you feel like you're about to turn into a certain character from a well-known action-hero franchise at the sound of a school bag dropping at the bottom of the stairs, a healthy, pure dose of the right magnesium for stress could help calm your nervous system.
You don't have to do a Shirley (Valentine) to make your life more liveable. See if it was low magnesium making you feel murderous. Try Ready & Rested.