Apple and cinnamon muffin recipe
Nutritional Therapist Lucinda Miller specialises in children's nutrition and often shares top tips to help parents with fussy eaters. Homemade snacks are a great opportunity to hide extra fruit and veggies....
Nutritional Therapist Lucinda Miller specialises in children's nutrition and often shares top tips to help parents with fussy eaters. Homemade snacks are a great opportunity to hide extra fruit and veggies....
Intermittent fasting (IF) is proving to be a simple and effective strategy for avoiding major dietary changes while achieving strong effects not just for one disease risk factor, but for...
What does anti-ageing mean to you? Sunscreen? Expensive skincare? Cosmetic treatments? Most people don’t realise we can ward off signs of ageing several times a day - every time we...
You've recently launched your own skincare platform. What can people expect? Every member that signs up to my TWM platform will have access to a library of 35+ videos for...
Are you always looking for that silver bullet that will transform your life with little to no effort? For it not to involve any hardship, sacrifice or involve building new...
Pai is a leading formulator of certified organic skincare, believing that skin - no matter how sensitive - deserves the best ingredients. In this article, the sensitive skin experts share...
I was in my local health food store recently and spotted they’re selling omega-3 fish oil capsules for £1.19! That’s for 30 capsules. A bargain right? Quite enticing when electricity prices...
Ask anybody you know if they love brownies and they are bound to respond with a definite ‘yes’! We’ve created a delicious, easy-to-follow recipe that uses 100% plant-based products so...
Disrupted sleep can be one of the first signs of perimenopause. Many women put insomnia down to stress, work strain or the sheer overwhelm of life, not realising hormones play...
You may have heard that certain nutritional deficiencies can trigger specific cravings, for example, craving chocolate = lack of magnesium. There may be some truth in this however there is...
Lifting weights shouldn’t be thought of as something reserved for the stereotypical protein shake guzzling, meathead-types that people associate with the words ‘muscle’ or ‘bodybuilding’. Muscle building needs to be...
Menopause anxiety snuck up on me, infiltrating my daily life gradually like a vine creeping up a tree in a David Attenborough program. I work in PR and have worked...
Want to get the most from your collagen powder? Here’s some simple tips for mixing, timing, and using it to boost your skin, joints, and overall health.
It's always better to eat food rather than take supplements and this is what we recommend. However, it's not always the case. There are two big questions for pregnant women...